The Dance Factory runs on a calendar month, which means that the tuition remains the same whether there are 3, 4, or 5 classes in that month. We do not pro-rate for missed classes, but you are always welcome to make-up in another class. Please ask your instructor for make-up class times.
All accounts are REQUIRED to be on automatic payments. Payments may still be made by cash or credit card at the front office. If you choose to use the payment methods listed, please do so before the 9th of each month. If we have not received your payment by the 9th, your credit card on file will automatically be debited on the 10th day of each month for all fees due and you will receive a payment confirmation email. Any declined cards will be subject to a $15 service fee.
Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions about tuition.
Upon payment of the first month's tuition accounts will be charged a Registration Fee of $40 and a Concert Fee of $70. Registration Fee is per student and Concert Fee is per family and are non refundable.
Families who drop a student from classes after November 15th will still be required to pay the costume fees.
All studio updates, news, costumes, performances, concert details, etc., will be posted on our website. It is the responsibility of each dancer and/or their guardians to check the site regularly for updates. You may also contact the studio via e-mail through the website. After you have completed your enrollment you will receive your dancer login information for the new season. You will then be able to view all important updates in the Client Login section of the website. BE SURE TO CHECK THE WEBSITE REGULARLY.
We have a text messaging system for communicating with our dancers. These announcements include but are not limited to: cancellation of classes for inclement weather, important studio reminders, email delivery reminders, urgent announcements, etc.
Remind is a one-way text messaging system. With Remind, all personal information remains completely confidential. Teachers will never see your phone number, nor will you ever see theirs. We ask that each parent and dancer (if they have a personal cell phone) sign up for this alert system in order to improve communication between The Dance Factory faculty and our families. If you do not have a personal cell phone, please be assured that all of this information will also be emailed at the time of delivery.
From Your Personal Cell Phone:
- Compose a new text message
- Enter this number: (620) 242-1031
- Text this message: @dfstudio
- Hit send
- You will receive the following response: “Remind Updates: Thanks!"
- Please reply with your full name so TDF Faculty knows who you are” (If you have previously signed up for this alert system, it will not ask you for your name)
- Please enter your first and last name
- Hit send
- Once you receive a the message, you are finished!
A dancer needs to understand the importance of attending class, not only for the progress of his or her dance education, but also for the progress of the class as a whole. A dancer who misses class frequently will fall behind, become frustrated and hold up the class. A dancer with excessive absences will be dealt with as the faculty deems necessary. If an instructor notices a student who is not consistently adhering to the "basic rules" below, appropriate action will be taken.
Although we stress safety to the dancers and we do have security personnel, it is imperative that everyone understands the importance of safety. Dancers, always wear a cover-up to and from the studio and when possible travel with a buddy outside of the studio. Parents, please have a discussion with your children about walking to surrounding stores during breaks, please do not drop your children off more than 5 minutes prior to the studio opening and please be there to pick them up as soon as their class is done.
- A dancer should be no more than 10 minutes late.
- A dancer should wear the proper attire and shoes.
- A dancer should participate in class.
- To make up a class, please ask your instructor for an alternate class time for your dance level, if available.
We will not guarantee a make-up time for each dancer.
Tap, jazz, hip hop and contemporary make-ups will only be allowed through December.
- If a dancer is removed from a dance or dances for any reason, costume fees and tuition will not be refunded.
- Dancers do not wear jewelry in class.
- Dancers do not chew gum in class.
- No outside food or drink other than water is permitted in the studio.
- Dancers with long hair must have their hair pulled back.
- It is the policy of The Dance Factory to prohibit the videotaping of our students.
This includes classes, rehearsals, dress rehearsals and performances.
- Parents are invited to observe the last 10 minutes of class on the first lesson of each month.
- The registration fee is charged per student.
The concert fee is charged per family, no matter how many dancers are in the family.
- For families with three dancers enrolled in classes at The Dance Factory, the third child's classes are free.
- A dance top is a fitted halter, crop, camisole, or tank style top.
- We are not responsible for belongings left in the studio.
- The Dance Factory cannot be held liable for injury to students during any of our classes, rehearsals, performances, competitions, or on the school premises.
- In the event of a medical emergency, The Dance Factory will attempt to contact the student's legal guardian. If the guardian cannot be reached, medical personnel will be contacted.
If the schools districts in our area close due to snow, we will probably also be closed. However, sometimes the weather may clear up enough to have our evening classes. Therefore, the decision for class cancellations will posted on the website, facebook & twitter by 3pm. We will also call the local news stations in the event of a cancellation. In the event of a weather related cancellation, there are no class refunds.
Click the link above to read through our Privacy Policy.